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FLUTE Selmer A Good Brand For A Low Price It's Better To Rent Or Buy A Flute |
EASY DEALS40685 California Oaks RdMurrieta, Ca.Open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.951-304-9798951-252-5082FLUTE Selmer A Good Brand For A Low Price It's Better To Rent Or Buy A Flute
It's used but it works fine, all keys work. Selmer it's a great brand Need some adjustments, no more than $40.00 I think How do you know if it's better to rent or buy a flute for your middle school child. You don't really know, because you don't know if your child will stick to it. If you can find a flute for a low price (Less than $200.00) it's like renting a flute for 10 months $20.00 per month. Some flutes you can rent for $15.00 per month or less, but if you have just one payment and the flute is good, later you can resale it and you get some money back. If you find a place that rent flute month to month, you can rent it for one or two months, and if your child doesn't want it any more, you return it, that's better, but very few places do month to month. You can buy this Selmer flute for a low price and later you can resale it. Just talk to your child and hope for the best. If you show a lot of confidence in your child and you invest in extra music lessons, it will be more likely that your child will continue in the music. Most of the kids quit music early, because they don't know how to play the instrument well enough, as soon as you can do something, anything really good, you will like it for sure, but learning to play an instruments takes a lot of TIME, PRACTICE and MONEY. One thing I would not recommend it's to spend $300.00 or more for a flute the first time, I think it's a lot of money. You buy a good flute if you are a professional and make money playing the flute, otherwise it's not a good investment. Selmer and Yamaha are good brands but they cost too much for beginners. |
Last Updated on Monday, 10 September 2012 19:34 |