The Best Way To Complete Level 4 PDF Print E-mail
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Saturday, 22 September 2012 00:07


The Best Way To Complete Level 4

Level 4

  • You need to play 11 songs from level 4. You must play each song perfect, without mistakes.
  • For the piano program level 4, you must play Cinema Paradiso. For the guitar program level 4 you must play 21 Guns. A total of 12 songs for level 4. Remember that the songs are a little bit longer, so you have to study and practice more, also, you have to play a lot of chords.
  • Now you are in the real Solfeo, remember? so keep working hard to get the next 10 solfeos, you need Solfeo 11-20 Here are Solfeos 11-20.The teacher will make you read and play each of them, to make sure you are ready for the next level.
  • EAR TRAINING. Welcome to ear training. This class will teach you how to hear any song and play it just by ear. To do that you need to do many exercises. Lets start with the first 9. Here you can see level 4 and level 5.
  • Exercises 01 to 09 are the same as 12 to 20, you need to do each and all of them.
  • First you have to PRINT the page foe each exercise, print exercise 01, you will see a blank page, no music or nothing, just the staff where you have to write some music.
  • Then Click on the "Ear Training 01" and you will hear some music, think of it, as a little song. You need to be able to write down that song in your blank staff that you just printed. Bring the final song to your teacher, and he/she will tell you if it was right, if so, then you can move to the next, until you finish all of them.

When you study music, you need to learn many things, or subjects to study, in the California Music Conservatory we have 4 subjects for level 4; SONGS IV, MUSIC THEORY IV, EAR TRAINING I and SOLFEO IV. (Solfeo is reading music). Here are all the things the student must know to complete the level 4 program.


  1. Song 1
  2. Song 2
  3. Song 3
  4. Song 4
  5. Song 5
  6. Song 6
  7. Song 7
  8. Song 8
  9. Song 9
  10. Song 10
  11. Song 11
  12. Song 12


  1. Ties.
  2. Dotted Notes.
  3. Grand Staff.
  4. Slurs
  5. Beamed Notes.
  6. Write a new song.


  1. Ear Training 01
  2. Ear Training 02
  3. Ear Training 03
  4. Ear Training 04
  5. Ear Training 05
  6. Ear Training 06
  7. Ear Training 07
  8. Ear Training 08
  9. Ear Training 09


  1. Solfeo No. 11
  2. Solfeo No. 12
  3. Solfeo No. 13
  4. Solfeo No. 14
  5. Solfeo No. 15
  6. Solfeo No. 16
  7. Solfeo No. 17
  8. Solfeo No. 18
  9. Solfeo No. 19
  10. Solfeo No. 20

The ideal time to finish this program is 5 months. A minimum of 20 :30 min. Lessons. It all depend in the student. Age, ability, practice time, interest, all these things make a big difference. Some students may take 6 months or more.

Once the student finish level 4, he/she will be ready to study level 5.

The goal of this program is to make sure the student is learning at the right level, if you have a kindergarten student and you make him study something from college, it will be impossible, too difficult, the student will quit. Or if you have a college student doing things from kindergarten it will be to boring, he will not learn more and he will quit. The best way is to balance the learning process so is challenging enough so they can learn more, but not so difficult that they want to quit.

Once you start the program, you need to finish the program to see results. Any student who finish the music program for level 4 of the California Music Conservatory at Easy Music School, will be prepare to play thousands of songs at that level.


Most people, young children and adults will finish level 1 and 2. Starting on level 3 and 4, the songs are a little bit longer, more difficult, a little bit faster, and require more practice. 10 or 20% will quit at this level, and they will never learn to play an instrument. Be patience and understand that takes time to complete this level. Please make sure you are one of the few that actually finish this level.


Last Updated on Saturday, 22 September 2012 00:33