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Writing Music - Levels 1, 2 and 3 |
WRITING MUSICCALIFORNIA MUSIC CONSERVATORY Learn to write music and compose your own songs!If you study here I can guarantee that you will be able to write your own songs, and also arrange music for other people and be able to hear and write down any song. 1.- First print a copy from level 1. 2.- Look at the notes and write down the name of each note underneath. Make sure you write the "REAL" name like Do, Fa, Sol, La, Si... and NOT THE LETTERS like A, D, F, G. 3.- We use the letters for chords and the name of the notes for the notes. 4.- After you write down the name of the notes, go to music theory level ONE and compare your writing with the name of the notes in music theory. 5.- only if you ABSOLUTELY KNOW 100% ALL the name of ALL THE NOTES, go to level 2, if you don't really know them, please if you don't know them, study more and re-take the test in 2 or three days. 6.- Only after you know the ALL THE NOTES from each level, you can go to the next. If you skip levels to go faster, you will not understand everything and you will not be able to learn correctly.
Writing Music Level 2.
Writing Music Level 3.
What's next?Now you can go to Ear Training in level 4 |
Last Updated on Sunday, 17 March 2013 00:56 |