Vocal Lessons in the key of Ab PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 03 May 2012 20:42


The New page for singing and voice lessons. Here you'll find exercises for training the vocal chords and sing better, expand your register and get your personal style for singing.




NumberIn The Key Of ADescription
1 Exercise 05 Just sing the note "Lab" in tune, this note is ONE OCTAVE LOWER than Exercise 153
1 Exercise 15 Just sing the note "La" in tune
1 Exercise 29 Here you have to sing two notes, "Sib" and "La"
1 Exercise 45 Just sing the note "Si" in tune
1 Exercise 57 Just sing the note "Do" in tune
1 Exercise 69 Just sing the note "Reb" in tune
1 Exercise 81 Just sing the note "Re" in tune
1 Exercise 93 Just sing the note "Mib" in tune
1 Exercise 105 Just sing the note "Mi" in tune
1 Exercise 117 Just sing the note "Fa" in tune
1 Exercise 129 Just sing the note "Solb" in tune
1 Exercise 141 Just sing the note "Sol" in tune
1 Exercise 153 Just sing the note "Lab" in tune, this note is ONE OCTAVE HIGHER than Exercise 05
1 Exercise 165 This is the Ab Scale. The notes are: Lab-Sib-Do-Reb-Mib-Fa-Sol-Lab. You have to sing the scale up and down many times
1 Exercise 177 Here you have 2 notes. Reb and Do. Middle range for the Ab Scale
1 Exercise 189 Range; 3 notes. The notes you have to sing are; Do and Re, only two notes, but the range is three because there is one note between Do and Re
1 Exercise 201 Range: 4 notes. Here you have to sing Si, Reb and Re
1 Exercise 213 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 225 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 237 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 249 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 261 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 273 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 285 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 297 Sing just one note all the time, La
1 Exercise 309 A, E, I, O, U....a nice exercise to expand your register, you can use any combination of syllabary like Bla, Ble, Bli, Blo, Blu....Ta,Ta,Ti,To,Tu.....Sa,Se,Si,So,Su......La,Le,Li,Lo,Lu
1 Exercise 321 Endless Melody. You start singing with your mouth close, just humming. mmm mmm mmm mmm, then with the letter A in Spanish, then the letter E in Spanish, then I, after that O, and U, keep repeating those sounds
1 Exercise 333 Arpeggios for the voice in the Key of Ab
Last Updated on Thursday, 03 May 2012 21:04