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Ear Training - Levels 4, 5 and 6 |
Ear Training ProgramCALIFORNIA MUSIC CONSERVATORY Learn to play music by ear!If you study here I can guarantee that you will be able to play any song by ear! 1.- First print the Ear Training 01. You have a blank staff paper. 2.- Then listen to the exercise 01 as many times as you need it, so you can write down all the notes you hear. 3.- When you are finished make sure your teacher tells you is correct 100%. Then go to No. 02. 4.- Try to make 3 or 4 a day! 5.- If you go to Easy Music School, they can tell you how to test yourself. 6.- After finishing level 4, you need to pass one TEST, if you don't pass that test, you will not be able to continue to level 5, the EAR TRAINING TEST for LEVEL 4 is done at Easy Music School only. 7.- After finishing level 5, you need to pass one TEST, if you don't pass that test, you will not be able to continue to level 6, the EAR TRAINING TEST for LEVEL 5 is done at Easy Music School only.
What's next?In level 7 you'll be doing technique, scales and chords, but in level 8, if you ever get there, you'll have a course in "Instrumentation" where you can learn to hear music and instruments at the same time. It's really fun! |
Last Updated on Sunday, 17 March 2013 00:56 |