Music Theory Level 3 - Basic Music Theory THREE Print
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 03:05


Now that you know a few symbols, like the staff, the treble clef and a few notes you should be able to start writing music. Let's get started.

First you need THE STAFF

Next you need to write a clef, You can use the treble clef or the bass clef, lets use the TREBLE CLEF.

Now you can put the time signature. There are many time signatures but for right now we use the 4/4

Once you have that, you can decide how many measures you want to have, lets have four MEASURES, to do that you need to put some BAR LINES.

Remember that at the very end you always need the DOUBLE BAR LINE to make sure you are finish. So let's put one.

Now you are ready to write some notes to make music. Here you can write what ever you want, we will use to half notes in the first measure, let's say...a Mi and a Sol.

The next measure we use three quarter notes and one quarter rest. And the notes are going to be...La, Sol, Fa and the rest.

Because you already know the Sharps, and the flats, you can use that too, so the next measure I'm going to use a SIb. and a rest of tow cunts. like this.

Finally we will write a whole note FA and the music looks like this.

You see how easy is to write music. Now can you play this song? Do you like it? If not, What part you don't like so you can change it.

Or maybe you can write your own piece. In this THIRD LEVEL all you have to do is write 4 measure of music and play it.

Of course in the test there will be a review of ALL the symbols and notes you know so far, including the C scale. Good Luck!

You can listen to some of the songs that students have made in Theory Level 3 and 4 in a Students Competition And also you can vote for your favorite song.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 22:59