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Guitar - 40 Studies From Easy Music |
GUITAR STUDIESVERY IMPORTANT! We have many studies here from many levels. Pick any study, if you can not play it within ONE DAY, you should get an easier study. Practice each study at least 100 times, or until you can play it without mistakes and at the same time as the computer before moving to the next. GUITAR STUDIES
Welcome to Easy Music Notes. / FREE Guitar Lessons. Guitar Lesson No. 65 - Guitar Study No. 15Here we have another guitar study, with quarter notes. The use of the quarter rest makes a special rhythm, be careful to respect the rest and play all the notes on time. Print the PDF for Guitar Lesson No. 65 - Guitar Study No. 65 and watch this video
Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site You can click on the button to watch the video FULL SCREEN. The use of lower notes on the guitar is good also if you like to play the bass. Welcome to Easy Music Notes. / FREE Guitar Lessons. Guitar Lesson No. 06 - Guitar Study No. 03Simple study for guitar, two open notes, La and Re (A and D), just keep the timing right. This is for very, very beginners guitar players. Print the PDF for Guitar Lesson No 06 - Guitar Study No 3 and watch this video
Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site You can click on the button to watch the video FULL SCREEN. Remember to practice every day, and if you want more videos like this, please buy the USB to learn more. |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 22:08 |